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Day 1: Friday 15 November 2024
​Opening Session
Chairperson: Dr. Mohamed Babiker
08:30 - 08:55 Neurogenetic disorders: current situation and future directions
Speaker: Dr. Mohamed Babiker
08:55 - 09:20 The evolving landscape of genomic diagnostics in the Middle East
Speaker: Dr. Ahmad Abou Tayoun
09:20 - 09:45 The spectrum of neurogenetic disorders in the MENA region in the era of next generation sequencing
Speaker: Dr. Dina Saleh
Neurocutaneous Diseases
Chairperson: Dr. Ubaid Shah
09:45 - 10:10 Tuberous sclerosis updates 2024
Speaker: Dr. Pawan Kashyape
10:10 - 10:35 Advances in neurofibromatosis genetics: theory meets practice
Speaker: Dr. Hibba Bedri
10:35 - 11:00 Break
Movement Disorders
Chairperson: Dr. Biju Abdul Hameed
11:00 - 11:25 Metabolic and genetic ataxias
Speaker: Prof. Brahim Tabarki Melaiki
11:25 - 11:50 The genetic landscape of hyperkinetic movement disorders
Speaker: Dr. Wejdan Hakami
11:50 - 12:15 Therapeutic advances in movement disorders: real life stories
Speaker: Dr. Mohamed Babiker
Genetic White Matter Diseases
Chairperson: Dr. Saleel Chandratre​
12:15 - 12:40 CNS hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH): the devil in disguise
Speaker: Prof. Hoda Tomoum
12:40 - 01:05 Genetic leukodystrophies: diagnostic clues and novel therapies
Speaker: Dr. Lamya Alsubaihi
01:05 - 02:30 Lunch Break & Prayer
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Chairperson: Prof. Pierre Krystkowiak
02:30 - 02:55 Inherited chorea
Speaker: Prof. Pierre Krystkowiak
02:55 - 03:20 Inherited Parkinson disease
Speaker: Prof. Jean-Luc Houeto
03:20 - 03:45 The spinocerebellar ataxias: genotypes, phenotypes, and therapeutic opportunities
Speaker: Dr. Chloé Angelini
03:45 - 04:10 The type I interferonopathies: a decade on new frontiers
Speaker: Prof. Sunny Philip
04:10 - 04:35 Motor neuron disease: Can genes provide hope for treatment
Speaker: Dr. Najwa Al Bustani
04:35 - 05:00 Break
Neurometabolic Diseases
Chairperson: Prof. Ayman El-Hattab
05:00 - 05:25 Neurometabolic disease: a practical guide to approach treatable causes
Speaker: Dr. Noura Al Dhaheri
05:25 - 05:50 Sulfite oxidase deficiency: diagnostic challenges
Speaker: Dr. Mohammed Mekki
05:50 - 06:15 Metabolic seizures
Speaker: Prof. Ayman El-Hattab
Day 2: Saturday 16 November 2024
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Chairperson: Prof. Haitham Elbashir
08:30 - 08:55 The genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders
Speaker: Dr. Huda Sadek
08:55 - 09:20 Spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders in UAE
Speaker: Dr. Noura Al Dhaheri
09:20 - 09:45 Neurodiversity: challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Prof. Haitham Elbashir
09:45 - 10:10 Beyond conformity: childhood intellectual disabilities
Speaker: Dr. Alia Satti
10:10 - 10:35 Rett's syndrome: an overview and treatment perspectives
Speaker: Dr. Zeinab Alloub
10:35 - 11:00 Break
Neuromuscular Diseases
Chairperson: Dr. Mehtab Iqbal
11:00 - 11:25 Genetic basis of neuromuscular disorders
Speaker: Dr. Omar Ismayl
11:25 - 11:50 Gene therapy in neuromuscular disorders: Experience from Qatar
Speaker: Prof. Tawfeg Ben-Omran
11:50 - 12:15 Duchenne therapies: approved and in the pipeline
Speaker: Dr. Tarek El-Azzabi
12:15 - 12:40 Congenital myasthenia
Speaker: Dr. Fatmah Al-Zahmi
12:40 - 01:00 Spinal muscular atrophy gene therapy: long-term efficacy and safety
Speaker: Prof. Haitham Elbashir
01:00 - 02:00 Lunch
Genetic Epilepsies
Chairperson: Dr. Abdulla Alawadhi
02:00 - 02:25 Complexity in genetic epilepsies: a comprehensive approach
Speaker: Dr. Majid Aziz
02:25 - 02:50 Genetic epilepsies and precision medicine
Speaker: Dr. Arif Khan
02:50 - 03:15 Seizures in Angelman syndrome
Speaker: Dr. Samar Almuntaser
03:15 - 03:40 Genetics of the epilepsies: Perspectives from adult neurology practice
Speaker: Dr. Hamda Albastaki
Updates on Diagnostics
Chairperson: Dr. Syed Hosain
03:40 - 04:05 Utility of whole exome sequencing in detecting neurodevelopmental disorders
Speaker: Dr. Sara Almheiri
04:05 - 04:30 Neuroimaging markers of neurogenetic disorders
Speaker: Dr. Manigandan Thyagarajan
04:30 - 05:00 Break
Advancement in Therapy and Prevention
Chairperson: Dr. Vivek Mundada
05:00 - 05:25 Gene therapy and lessons learnt
Speaker: Dr. Vivek Mundada
05:25 - 05:50 Reducing the burden: Utility of preimplantation genetic testing in IVF
Speaker: Dr. Elsamawal El Hakim
Top Abstract Presentations
Chairperson: Dr. Mohamed Babiker
05:50 - 06:00 Clinical and molecular description of hereditary spastic paraplegia in Saudi Arabia
Speaker: Dr. Rayouf Almojel
06:00 - 06:10 Establishing the first Angelman syndrome specialty clinic and MDT services in the region:
from a dream to a reality – the journey so far
Speaker: Mr. Alan Taylor
06:10 - 06:20 Phenotypic variability and responsiveness to therapy in PRRT-2 related disorders
Speaker: Dr. Alaa Salman
06:20 - 06:30 Epilepsy in neurofibromatosis 1: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Speaker: Dr. Yomna Mahmoud
06:30 - 06:40 Certificate distribution and closing remarks
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